Break the habit

Break the habit

I know I’m an accountant, but this week I wanted to talk about good business habits and how to make them, as getting into good habits can help your business in so many ways. 

It is so easy to get into bad habits- but really hard to break them and turn them into good habits. Learning about good habits will not only benefit you but your actual business and your employees as well. Positive business habits could be, thanking your employees on a regular basis, getting those invoices out regularly, chasing outstanding invoices or inputting the receipts consistently. If you are able to achieve good habits like these examples, how much smoother would your business run? Just imagine, you could minimise stress and worry about getting it all done in your business, plus you could provide your employees with a better work experience and in turn, they could become even more invested in what they do for you.

Here are my 5 top tips on how to create good habits for your business:

TIP ONE: Don’t try and make HUGE changes overnight, make small ones and one at a time.

TIP TWO: Put a plan in place and write it down. Even a calendar reminder would be a great idea.

TIP THREE: Stay positive! Keep reminding yourself of the benefits of hard work. It could be your employees work harder for you or you have more cash in the bank! It’s all about the wins!

TIP FOUR: Make the commitment. Once you have consciously made the decision to make a positive habit, stick to it. It is hard work, initially, but once you keep being mindful of doing it. It will just become a habit and part of your daily routine.

TIP FIVE: Plan to fail and then pick yourself up. You may lapse every now and then, don’t get angry with yourself, just be conscious of the reason why you lapsed in the first place and be mindful not to do it again.

And finally-reward yourself! Keeping consistent and persistent to maintain your good habits, deserves a reward- guilt free.

I hope my little tips can help you to create some better habits in your business. No one is perfect and we all get complacent from time to time, we just need to remind ourselves good habits are good for business. 

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