Having the right insurance is crucial!

Protect you and your business

You know that planning for the future is imperative as a business owner. There are so many moving parts to your business that you need to consider, including suppliers, employees, cashflow, protecting what you have built, or creating a succession plan. It is all encompassing. If you plan for the future of your business then you will put your business on a trajectory that will give you confidence that you can prepare for the peaks and troughs.

As part of planning the growth of your business, it includes protecting what you have created. One of the best ways to protect your business is ensuring you have the correct insurances in place that offer a level of protection that will keep your business afloat in tough times. It is making sure you have the right insurance to cover your business, your employees and you.

As a tradie you can take out a range of insurances, some are necessary in order to work on jobs- for example public liability insurance, other insurances give you peace of mind that your business will be safe if something happens. You could look at general insurance for your tools, cars, wages and life insurance.

How do you choose which policies to take out and what if the premiums are too high? I know how hard it can be sometimes, when you are busy in your business but your cash flow is short or you have a lot of short term overheads, it is easy to make the decision to let go of your insurance to save some money- I get it. But there could be other options instead of completely getting rid of an insurance, have you thought about- using an insurance broker? Using the services of a broker will help you save time and money. They can do all of the leg work for you and find the most suitable and competitively priced insurances that your business should have, and better yet they will cut through all of the palava that insurance companies put you through. So all you would really have to do is talk through your needs once! 

It would be worth doing a bit of research to find a broker that specialises in your trade or trades businesses in general, as they have the experience and the knowledge of how your business operates and therefore what it needs. 

As part of your planning process- add the line item: insurances and get it sorted out so you know you are protected for all aspects of your business. Don’t try to do it alone, get help from a broker so they can guide you to the best opportunities that you have.

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